Archival Resources Available in the Archives of Appalachia
AVF Files - Railroads--Tennessee, East.
East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad Historical Society Collection
James T. Dowdy, Sr. Collection
Ridley Wills East Tennessee Postcard Collection
Monograph Resources Available in the Archives of Appalachia
Ball, Randy and Rodney Ferrell. Rogersville. Charleston, Arcadia Publishing, 2009.
Bicentennial 1783-1983. Greeneville, The Greeneville Sun, 1983.
Creekmore, Betsey Beeler. Knoxville. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press, 1976.
Deaderick, Lucile. Heart of the Valley - A History of Knoxville, Tennessee. Knoxville, The East Tennessee Historical Society, 1976.
Dellinger, Clyde J. Tweetsie and the Clinchfield Railroads. Morganton, The News Herald Press, 1975.
Doughty, Richard Harrison. Greeneville One Hundred Year Portrait. Kingsport Press, 1974.
Egan, Martah Avaleen and Nellie McNeill. Kingsport. Charleston, Arcadia Publishing, 1998.
Fink, Paul M. Jonesborough: The First Century of Tennessee's First Town. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 1972.
Goforth, James A. Erwin Tennessee: A Pictorial History, 1891-1929. Johnson City, The Overmountain Press, 2004.
Johnson City 150 Years. Johnson City Press, 2019.
Hamblen County Centennial Celebration Historical Program Committee. Historic Hamblen 1870-1970. Morristown, Morristown Printing Co., 1970.
King, Steve. Clinchfield Country. Silver Spring, Old Line Graphics, 1988.
Phillips, V. N. (Bud). Bristol Tennessee/Virginia A History - 1852-1900. Johnson City, The Overmountain Press, 1992.
Price, Henry R. Hawkins County Tennessee A Pictorial History. Virginia Beach, The Donning Company Publishers, 1996.
Roberts, Harry B. Olden Times in Greene County Volume One and Two. Greeneville, Greene County Heritage Trust, 1983.
Stahl, Ray. Greater Johnson City A Pictorial History. Virginia Beach, The Donning Comapny Publishers, 1992.
Smith, Captain Ross. Reminiscences of an Old Timer. Privately Printed, 1930.
Swingle, Viola Ruth E. Ervin. Johnson City, The Overmountain Press, 1986.
Taylor, Oliver. Historic Sullivan. Bristol, The King Printing Company, 1909.
Washington County Historical Association. History of Washington County Tennessee: a contribution to Bicentennial Celebration of Tennessee Statehood. Johnson City, The Overmountain Press, 2001.
West, Carroll Van. Tennessee's Historic Landscapes. Knoxville, The University of Tennessee Press, 1995.
Sherrod Library
Alexander, Edwin P. Down at the Depot, American Railroad Stations from 1831 to 1920. Clarkson N. Potter, Inc, 1970.
Other Sources
Admin, Clio and Douglas J Harding. "Bristol Railroad Station." Clio: Your Guide to History. August 3, 2019. Accessed May 16, 2023.
Alsop, Fred, Director. Carter Railroad Museum.
Baldwin Directory Company. Elizabethon Tennessee City Directory, Charleston, The Elizabethton Star, 1941, p. 294, 1946, p. 250. (Provided by Penza, Joe, CA, Archivist and Records Clerk. Elizabethton-Carter County Public Library.)
Bulls Gap Railroad Museum. Depot Photographs.
"Milligan All Aboard Tweetsie Rails-to-Trails Project.", Accessed 24 Aug. 2023.
Gray Stothart, "Clinchfield Railroad Station." SAH Archipedia, eds. Gabrielle Esperdy and Karen Kingsley, Charlottesville: UVaP, 2012—,,Accessed 14 Jun. 2023.
Goley, Allison F. "Transfer of Depot from Hawkins County to Rogersville City is Official" The Rogersville Review." The rogersville, 5 Feb. 2020, Accessed June 30, 2023.
Penza, Joe, CA, Archivist and Records Clerk. Elizabethton-Carter County Public Library.
"Telford." Watauga Association of Genealogists Northeast Tennessee., Accessed 24 Aug. 2023.