Numerous stamps of interest were used by John Goodin on his letters home, including stamps from France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. Some stamps portray royal families such as Leopold III of Belgium. One of the stamps portrays Adolf Hitler.
Stamps from the John D. Goodin letter collection.
Adolf Hitler is featured on one of these stamps.
Leopold III and his children are featured on one of these stamps from the John D. Goodin Collection.
A complete series of Belgian Stamps.
32nd Armored Spearhead Division Logo
Stamps of Belgium and the Belgian Congo.
Envelope and Belgian stamps featuring Leopold III.
The John Goodin Papers contain various samples of currency from Europe during World War II dated 1910-1943. With the exception of Poland, today all of these countries use the Euro.
Mark 1910-1923 (Front)
Mark 1910-1923 (Back)
Guilder 1942-1943 (Front and Back)
One Zloty 1941 (Front and Back)
Mark 1910-1923 (Front)
Mark 1910-1923 (Back)
Reichsbanknote Bunderhaulen Mark - Front (issued in 1923 by the German government during the period of hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic)
Reichsbanknote Bunderhaulen Mark - Back (issued in 1923 by the German government during the period of hyperinflation of the Weimar Republic)
Reichsbanknote Lin Tausend Mart 1910 (A Thousand Marks - Front)
Reichsbanknote Lin Tausend Mart 1910 (A Thousand Marks - Back)