Box 1, Folder 09: Rosemary & Lavender; The Best of Thymes - Foods That Create Fat Burning Action; Ginger; Knowing Your Skin; Brochure - To Your Health; Consideration for Weight Loss; Losing Weight With Herbs; No-Salt Herb Blend; Milk Sick Article;…
Box 1, Folder 14: Through the Gap by John Fox Jr.; Traces of Lost Society Haunt Appalachians Sunday, June 7, 1998 (Johnson City Press article); Hiding No Longer - Melungeon Heritage Now a Source of Pride (article)
Box 1, Folder 20: Those Dreadful Twins, 1931 (flyer); Rhodendron Time Roan Mountain - National Geographic, June 1957; Spring Is Sprung, But Not Atop Roan Mountain, The Charlotte Observer, May 1979 (article); The Highlands of Roan, Asheville Citizen…
Box 1, Folder 21: Flyer Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy - The Highlands of Roan; Story by Jim Huges; Photocopy of Cliff; A Bit of Mountain Levity, Katuah Journal, 1991 (article); Recipes for Peach Brandy; Roan Reflection (Poem); Volunteers…