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"Granny Hackle" Typescript, undated
A. A. Bruner Journal, 1852-1859
A. B. Bowman Papers, 1853-1898
Adam Waterford vs. Isaac Baker Case Transcript, 1841
Alexander Bonnyman Papers, 1905-1911, undated
Alfred Briggs Nix Collection, 1780-1881 and undated
Alta Elizabeth Pardue Keirn Papers, 1908-1948
American Association of University Women, Johnson City Chapter Records, 1982-1999
An Infantry Chaplain's Diary, 1943-1946
Andrew Biddle Letters, 1896
Andrew Jackson Williams Autobiography, 1908-1910
Andrew Johnson Impeachment Ticket and Check, 1867-1868
Anne Newton Collection, 1910-1987
Appalachian Farm Photographs, 1979
Autobiography, or Memoirs of Dr. A. Jobe, 1849-1972
Bailey Family Photographs, circa 1950-1969
Barbara McDermitt Recordings, 1982 and undated
Barrus Family Genealogy, January 1922
Benjamin J. Cramer Collection, 1995-1996
Bertram S. Allen, Jr. Papers, 1969-1970
Bethany Mackey Scrapbook, 1919-1921, undated
Biography of Dr. and Mrs. A.S.N. Dobson of Limestone R.F.D. Tenn., 1915 and 1979
Blountville Circuit Quarterly (Holston) Conference Minute Books, 1841-1859, 1873-1886
Boons [Boones] Creek Male and Female Seminary Records
Bowman Family Collection, 1820-1932
Burr Harrison Photographs, circa 1881-1958
Caldwell Family Papers, 1782-1892
Cameron-Powell Store Ledger, 1834-1862
Carol Berry Collection, circa 1945
Carolina, Clinchfield, and Ohio Railway, Engineering Department Collection, 1908-1978
Carolyn Wetzel Collection, 1944 and undated
Carriger Family History, circa 1966
Cecil Rose Collection, 1927-1988
Charles and William Gobble Photographs, 1890-2001
Charles C. Tiller Photographs, 1924-1940
Charles Michael McKinney Letters, 1966-1967
City of Johnson City Records, 1890-1980
Clarence W. Hobson Papers, 1857-1993
Clear Fork Baptist Church Minute Book, 1875-1900
Clifford A. Maxwell Photographs, 1940-1986
Clinton P. Moody Cartoons, 1978
Colored Educational Board of Wise County [Virginia] Letters (1904, 1917)
Cooke and Day Family Papers, 1936-1937 and 1963
Daniel Calloway Biographical Material, 1876-2003
Daniel Thomas McCoy, Sr. Collection, 1907-1971
Dante History Project Records, 1890-1998
David and Henry Ferguson Mathematics Copy Books, 1826-1830
David Diehl Account Book, circa 1972
Delbert W. Loudermilk Railroad Collection, 1947-2001
Dock Boggs Concert Recording, 1966
Dorman E. Tucker Collection, 1826-1968 and undated
East Tennessee and Western North Carolina Railroad Historical Society Collection, 1883-2005
East Tennessee Church Ledger, 1911-1923
East Tennessee State University Girls of Summer Chapter of Ya Ya Sisterhood Scrapbook, 2002
Edward Chalmers Huffaker Papers, 1882-1934 and undated
Edward G. DeVault Collection, 1850-1881
Edward R. Feagins Memoir, circa 1993
Edwin C. Alexander Papers, 1902-1968
Eileen Williams Collection, 1885-1990
Elbert Haynes Miller Family Collection, 1985
Emanuel Lutheran Church [Washington County, Tennessee] Records, 1982
Embree Family Papers, 1780-1807 and undated
Fannie A. Fain Diaries, 1863-1898
Fidel J. González Typescript, 1955
Fitzgerald Family Papers, 1897-1931
Frances B. Edgemon Scrapbook, 1930-1949
George C. Sells Papers, 1962-1991
George F. Dugger Autobiography, 1973
Grandparents Oral History Project (Andrew Johnson Elementary School, Kingsport, Tennessee), 1977-2002
Gray Family Papers, 1894-1930
Guinn Family Papers, 1903-1953
Guy Despard Goff Collection, 1919-1924
H. Phil Carr Family Papers, 1900-1949
Harrison and Walker Land Documents, 1876-1967
Henry Blackwell Photographs, 1940
Henry M. Slagle Journal, 1864-1881
Hiram Fain Diary Transcript
Holston Baptist Association Collection, 1849-1913 and undated
Holston Methodist Conference Collection, 1820-1843
Huddle Mill Photographs, undated
Hugh Bowers Photographs, 1974-1984
Hugh L. White Collection
Human Economic Appalachian Development (HEAD) Corporation Records, 1974-1980
Hurricane Grange, No. 523 Minute Book, 1874-1876
Inez Martin Correspondence, 1898-1899 and 1904
J.G. Sterchi Furniture Company Business Records Scrapbook, 1911-1914
J.W. Hunter and Brother General Store Ledger, 1886-1887
James Agee Film Project Photographs, 1875-1956
James Crandle Julian Diary, 1927-1946
James H. Lambert Letter and Photograph, 1945 and undated
James Kevin Research Collection, circa 1877-2010 and undated
James T. Dowdy, Sr. Photographs, 1890-1950
James Tipton Ellis Journal
James W. McKee Collection: Two Confederate Army Soldier Diaries, 1861-1865
Jefferson Burleson Civil War Notebook, circa 1864-1865
Jeremiah Dungan Family History, 1997-2005 and undated
Jesse Larrimore Campbell Papers, 1940-2008
Jessie Ackermann Papers, 1823-1945, and undated
Jim Mooney Letters, 1931-1946
John Alan Maxwell Papers, 1921-1986 and undated
John B. King Letters, 1943-1946, undated
John Goodin Papers, 1872-1999
John R. Hughes Ephemera, 1908 and undated
John Sevier Hotel Company Records, 1924-1931
John Shelton Reed Collection of Kingsport, Tennessee Photographs, circa 1999
John Sherfey and Lelia Watson Letters, April 24, 1893 - February 10, 1922 and undated
John Wesley Garland Papers, 1849-1889
Johnson City Housing Authority Photographs, 1951-1960 and undated
Johnson City Lioness Club Records, 1985-2003
Johnson City Metropolitan Lions Club Records, 1960, 1971-2005, undated
Johnson City Mills Records, 1916-1952
Johnson City Rezoning Collection, 1934-1966
Jones and Wagner Family Papers, 1860-1930
Jonesboro Woman's Christian Temperance Union Minute Book, 1895-1899
Joseph Sargent Hall Collection, 1915-2000
Judge Samuel C. Williams Notes and Typescript, 1946
Julius A. Krug Papers, 1944-1952
Kelly and Green Company Negatives, 1856-1940
Kenneth C. Spaulding Photographs, 1939 and undated
Kenny Fannon Photograph Collection, 1893-1946 and undated
Ketron Family Papers, 1839-1948
Ladye Kate Ottinger East Tennessee State Teachers College Memorabilia, 1928-1936
Langston Heritage Group Collection, 1869-2022
Law Office Ledger, 1836-1871
Le Roy Reeves Papers
Lemiel L. Reece Papers, 1919-1969 and undated
Lewis Family Papers, circa 1820-1996
London's Hardware Company Photographs and Advertisements, 1925-1969 and undated
M. B. Vance Day Book, 1870-1874
Mae Walker Photographic Collection, 1913-1931
Margaret N. Wimberly Speeches, 1983
Martha Marshall Scrapbook, 1995-1996 and undated
Mary Louise Pearre Hamilton Papers, 1861-1925 and undated
Mary Nell Dosser Keller Collection, 1823-1982 and undated
Maude McGaha Collection, 1865-1930
May King Bradley Home Economics Cookbook, 1911
McClatchey Family Photographs, 1924 and undated
Mickey Mantle Slimp Papers, 1955-1982
Mildred S. Kozsuch Papers, 1867-2007
Model Valley Economic Development Corporation Records, 1968-1978
Nat T. Winston Papers, 1781-1967
Nora C. Carter Papers, 1923-1924
Oak Hill Cemetery Plot Index Cards, undated
Old Jonesborough Cemetery Inventory, 1995-1996
Paul J. Kaufman Papers, 1966-2011
Philadelphia Cumberland Presbyterian Church Session Minutes and Church Register, 1906-1958
Physical Education Syllabus, 1926
Pike Hardwood Lumber Company Records, 1905-1911
Planter’s House Guest Ledger, 1889
Primitive Baptist Publications, 1887-1962, undated
Quentin M. Alexander Collection, 1992 and undated
Record of Meetings of the United Student Body of the East Tennessee State Normal School, 1920-1922
Richard Cartwright Austin Papers, 1966-2007
Ridley Wills East Tennessee Postcard Collection, 1906-1996 and undated
Robert Bell Collection, 1898-2005 and undated
Robert Miller and Mark Bean Miller Letters, 1885-1887 and 2013
Ron D. Vance and Barbara H. Wickersham Collection, 1889-2001
Ronald McConnell Collection, 1946-2003
Roscoe W. Smith Memoirs, 2001-2002
Rotaract Club of East Tennessee State University Records, 1996
Ruth B. Maxwell Papers, 1940-1983 and undated
Ruth Beard Farris Papers, 1997 and undated
Ruth E. Thomas Scrapbook, 1941
S. T. O'Dell Ledger, 1917-1919 and undated
Samuel H. Laughlin Diary and Letter, 1844-1845
Sapphonian Literary Society Minute Book, 1911-1927
Seiler Photograph Album, 1880-1882
Shelby Family Biographies, 1959
Sherfey Family Genealogy, 1964-2008
Shoun Family Photographs, circa 1880-1910
Smith County [Tennessee] History Typescript, undated
Speer Family Collection, 1958-2001
St. Paul's School Booklet, 1819-1821
Steve La Pointe Collection, 1904-1956 and undated
Stoney Creek Baptist Church Minutes, 1841-1873
Stratton Elementary School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) Scrapbooks, 1940-1973
Telling Your Story: Documenting COVID-19 in East Tennessee, 2020-2021
Templeton Family Papers, 1816-1914
Tennessee Civil War Centennial Commission Collection, 1959-1965 and undated
Tennessee Valley Authority Photograph Album, 1942-1950
Terry Ponder Photograph Album, circa 1890-1940
Thomas H. Wilson Family Letters, 1890-1896
Thomas Nance Daniel Photographs, 1944-1967
Thomas Phillips Memoir, 2004
Tobacco Warehouse Checks and Receipts, 1929-1940 and undated
Tour of Downtown Johnson City Brochure, 1985
Tuesday Book Club Records, 1953-2003
Uptegrove Family Collection, 1999 and undated
Urban Appalachian Council Publications, 1974-1978
Vardy, Tennessee Lantern Slides, 1920-1938 and undated
W. Hanes Lancaster, Jr. Memoir
Walter Clement Wilson Papers, 1911-1942
Washington County (Tennessee) American Bicentennial Committee Records, 1973-1976
Washington County (Tennessee) Bus Lines Records, 1934
Watauga Historical Association Collection, 1796-1891
Whiting Lumber Company Records, 1928-1933
William C. Hicks Papers, 1894-1928
William Cary Hattan Collection, 1889-1940 and undated
William Hopper Papers, 1862-1914
William Laban Brown Civil War Letters, 1863-1865 and undated
William Sullivan Ledgers, 1864-1911
Windsor Hotel Records, 1934-1956
Woman's Diary, 1888
World War II in East Tennessee Collection
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Vogue Picture Discs in the Lewis Deneumoustier Collection
Tennessee’s Mountain Heritage (1983 radio series)
Appalachian Outreach Program (1979-1981)
Voices of Coal
Rich-R-Tone Recordings in the Lewis Deneumoustier Collection
World War II News Maps
International Students at East Tennessee State University
Simplicity and Sentiment: Le Roy Reeves and the Tennessee State Flag
A Soldier's Letters Home - World War II
Common Threads
Tune In On My Memories: The Work and Play of Richard Blaustein
An Introduction to the Delaware Valley Bluegrass Festival Recordings
Regional Old-Time Music of the Timothy F. Woodbridge 78 rpm Record Collection
Highlights from the Leon McIntyre Collection
Pragmatic Papyrus
Fifty Years on the Clinchfield: "Captain Tom" Goodin
Our History: Writings on Johnson City
Charles F. Decker - Master Potter
Depots - East Tennessee
Presidential Ponderings: The Writings of Sidney Gilbreath
W.E.T.S. 89.5 - Studio One: Local Music throughout the Years
Celebrating Forty Years of Service: ETSU's Center of Excellence for Appalachian Studies and Services
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